Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

which we thought we had done for ever, and the 
honourable name of Protestant, once our proudest 
distincetion, has been made over to the Church of 
Scotland and the Dissenters, 
Far different from Keble, from my brother, from 
Dr. Pusey, from all the rest, was the true chief of 
the Catholic revival—John Henry Newman. Com- 
pared with him, they were all but as ciphers, and 
he the indicating number. The times I speak of 
are far distant; the actors and the stormy passions 
which bubbled round them are long dead and for- 
gotten among new excitements. Newman, too, for 
many years had dropped silent, and disappeared 
from the world's eyes. He came out again in a 
conflict with a dear friend of mine, who, on my 
account partly (at least, in reviewing 4 book which 
I had written), provoked a contest with him, and 
impar congressus Achilli seemed to have been foiled. 
Charles Kingsley is gone from us. English readers 
know now what he was, and from me or from any 
one he necds no further panegyric. In that one 
instance he conducted his case unskilfully. He was 
wrong in his estimate of the character of his antago- 
nist, whose integrity was as unblemished as his own. 
But the last word has still to be spoken on the 
essential question which was at issue between them.

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