Full text: Vol.IV, [Schülerband] (Vol.IV)

Was as assured to them as the life upon earth. In 
the sacraments and in the priest’s absolution lay the 
one hope of escaping eternal destruction ; and while 
they could feel no respect for the clergy as men, they 
feared their powers and reverenced their office. Both 
of laity and clergy the religion was a superstition, 
but in the laity the superstition was combined with 
reverence, and implied a real belief in the divine 
authority which it symbolised. The clergy, the 
Supposed depositaries of the supernatural qualities 
assigned to them, found it probably more difficult to 
believe in themselves, and the unreality revenged 
itself upon their natures. 
Bearing in mind these qualities in the two orders, 
We Procecd to the history of Recket, 
THOMAS BECKEt was born in Londen in the ycar 
11181 His father, Gilbert Becket, was a citizen in 
moderate cireumstances,? not engaged in trade but 
living on property of his own.? Of his mother little 
‘Or 1119. The exact date is Becket’s words as to the rank cf 
uncertain. | his parents. 
»Nec onmino infmi’ are! * Until recently the «enera]

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