Full text: Third book of lessons for the use of schools (Book 3)

catcher, “ Unhappy wretches,” said he, “you now 
suffer the punishment of your former neglect.” 
mon-ey brew-er Pro-vi-denoe 
shoe-ma-ker trou-ble-some Chris-ti-an 
fam-i-ly oau-tion-ed Ju-de-& 
8Xx-change ANX-i-OUS a-pos-tle 
but-oher right-e-ous-ness col-leo-tion 
What a useful thing is money! If there were 
NO such thing as money, we should be much at a 
loss to get any thing we might want. "The shoe- 
Maker, for instance, who might want bread, and 
Meat, and beer for his family, would have nothing 
6 give in exchange but shoes. He must, therefore, 
30 to the baker, and offer him a pair of shoes for 
as much bread as they were worth; and the same, 
If he went to the butcher, and the brewer, "The 
baker, however, might happen not to want shoes 
lust then, but might want a hat: and so the shoe- 
Maker must find out some hatter who wanted 
Shoes, and get a hat from him, and then exchange 
the hat with the baker for bread. All this would 
be very troublesame; but, by the use of money, 
he trouble is saved. Any one who has money 
May get for it just what he may chance to want. 
The baker, for example, is always willing to part 
With hıs bread for money, because he knows that 
he may exchange it for shoes, or a hat, or firing, or 
any thing else he necds. What time and trouble 
It must have cost meu to exchange one thing for 
Anotier before money was in use. 
We are cautioned in Scripture against the love

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