Full text: Stories from English History (Book 1, [Schülerband])

Spain, where he won many victories over the 
French, beating all Napoleon’s most famous generals, 
and driving his army back over the Pyrenees. 
2. But the most famous battle that Wellington 
ever won was the great Battle of Waterloo, which 
was fought near Brussels in Belgium. Here he 
faced the great Napoleon himself, It was the 
first and last time that Wellington and Napoleon 
ever met. Napoleon was eager to crush the man 
who had beaten all his generals, and said with joy, 
as he marched towards Belgium: “ I go to measure 
awords with Wellington.” When Wellington drew 
up his troops on a green hill slope, with a great 
wood at his back, Napoleon thought he had caught 
him in 8 trap, and cried out in high glee: “Now, I 
have him!” But he little knew the man he had 
to deal with. 
3. On the forenoon of Sunday, June 18, 1815, 
when church bells were ringing in England, a long, 
loud peal from the French cannon broke the Sabbath 
stillness of Waterloo. Then began that battle of 
heroes, which lasted till sunset, Again and again 
did the French move forward to the attack; and 
again and again were they driven back, The Eng- 
lish, who were mostly drawn up in squares, seemed 
rooted to the earth like masses of red rock: Tine 
aften time the deadly fire from the French guns 
would make bloody gaps in their ranks; but at the 
stern, steady cry, “ Close up 1” the men in the rear 
would take the places of their fallen comrades. 
Then the French horsemen with steel breast-plates 
and flying plumes would come sweeping down upon

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