ConraD NO heir, and on his death the crown passed by election
I. to Conrad II., the, founder of the great Franconian
1024-1039 Da .
* dynasty. In his reign the kingdom of Burgundy was
Bur- added to the Empire, which now included two out of
AS en the three parts into,which the Carolingian Empire had
To Trug been divided at the Treaty of Verdun, viz., the kingdom
Mesa of the East Franks and the Middle Kingdom, or
Lotharingia. Conrad, like his predecessor, had to wage
war with Poland, and he also had wars with Hungary.
To strengthen his position he took the part of the
smaller landowners against the great nobles, and helped
to establish the custom by which their fiefs were
treated as hereditary. In Italy he had difficulty with
Aribert, the Archbishop of Milan, who was trying to
establish the independence of his see, and was strong
enough to defy the Emperor,
IIexey Under Conrad’s son, Henry III, the Empire reached
UL the highwater mark of its greatness. (Germany and
1039-1056 -
Italy alike were ruled firmly. The great duchies were
kept in the Emperor’s hands or given to his friends,
Bohemia, now the strongest Slavic state, was defeated :
Hungary was reduced to almost complete. dependence.
In Rome no emperor had been so powerful, Henry
was called in to settle a dispute between three rivals,
each claiming to be Pope. He deposed them all and
chose a worthy pope, and to the end of his reign
nominated the Pope whenever a vacancy took place,
using his power in such a way that the dignity of the
Papacy was increased.
IIeney He died suddenly in the prime of life, leaving a
‚056-1106 child as his successor, and never again did an emperor
attain to such power. The emperors, in reforming the
Papacy, had raised up a serious rival to their own