[From “ The World’a Commercial Products.” 
Dzungaria occupies the gap between the Tian Shan and the 
Altai Mountains, and is important on account of the routes that pass 
through it. One of these leads via the Upper Irtish to Western Siberia, 
and another skirts the northern base of the Tian Shan to Western 
Turkistan. The valleys of the numerous short rivers which traverse 
this region and terminate in lakes and swamps, as well as that of the 
Upper Irtish, form good pasture-lands ; and many of the ranges are clad 
with forests. 
The inhabitants of Mongolia are engaged chiefly in stock-rearing 
or in caravan traffic, and hence nearly all are nomadie. "They are 
Buddhist in religion, and a very large monastery exists at Urga, where 
‘he chief priest dwells. "The chief exports of the country are live 
stock, hides, salt, and soda,.

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