1. Under 600 2, 600-6,090. 3. Over 6,000. Height in feet.
= Hundred-fathon line.
Asta* OROGRAPHICAL. (After the Diagram Co.)
century the Turks, by taking Egypt, consolidated their dominion along
Che shores of the Eastern Mediterranean.
In recent times the United Kingdom has virtually supplanted Turkey
as the ruling Power in Egypt. "This country also owns most of the shares
in the Suez Canal, which was opened in 1869. This canal is free to ships
of all nations on payment of a toll; but about three-fifths of the vessels
that pass through it are British. This is because so much of the shipping
of the world is in British hands. To protect this route to the East the
British have established a fortified coaling-station near Aden, near the
Southern entrance to the Red Sea. The British also possess the Isle of
Perim in the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, British Somaliland on the soutl
of the Gulf of Aden, and the Isle of Socotra to the east. Yes Re
The Indian Ocean.— This ocean is divided by India in the noril
into the Arabian Sea and Bav of Bengal, and is bounded by Africa 01