Object: Outlines of British history

represented by its own bishops in the great ecclesiastical counecils. 
The profession of Christianity seems to have become universal, Druid- 
ism having gradually died out. 
7. During the third century, the consts of Britain began to be in- 
fosted by pirates from across the German Ocean. Some- 
what later, the Caledonian maranders from the north Roman 
N x er an power 
reappeared as the “ Picts and Scots,” advancing in 368 weakened. 
A.D. even to London, whence they were driven back with 
extreme difficulty, Meanwhile Rome was becoming less and less able 
to succor her colonies when in distress. Her internal strength had 
decayed, and hordes of fierce barbarians were thundering at her gates. 
8. At length, in 410 A.D., the Roman Knıperor Honorius formally 
renounced possession of Britain, and recalled the legions, B 
For a ti forın of government bearing some resem- eitaln 
or a time a g gg abandoned, 
blance to that of the Romans seems to have been main- 
tained. In418 A.D., a small Roman force reappeared in the island, and 
assisted the people in repelling an attack of the Picts and Scots. In 
446 A.D., in presence of still greater dangers, the hapless Britons be- 
sought the Emperor Aötius to send troops to their relief. "The refusa] 
9f this appeal closes the chapter of Roman connection with Britain. 
9. Remains of the Roman walls may still be seen at York, Chester, 
and other places. Roman pottery and pavements are 
often dug up by workmen excavating for cellars and the Traces of 
foundations of buildings. Such names as Lancaster, San 
Gloucester, and Manchester betray an Roman origin, the Gögupafion. 
endings being all corruptions of the Latin castra, a camp. The fa- 
miliar word “street” is simply strata, * paved;” and coln, in such a 
word as Lincoln, marks the centre of 2 Roman colonia, or colony.” 
10, It seems probable that during the Roman period in Britain the 
tribes of Picts inhabiting the lowlands of Scotland were 
at least partially Christianized, It is certain that the Scotland 
Christian religion was firmly established in Ireland, rei a 
where its truths were first proclaimed by St. Patrick, ne 
& most eloquent, zealous, and apostolic missionary. 
249 to (about) 600 A.D. 
1, The withdrawal of the Romans left Southern Britain in a state of 
great weakness and exposure, The Piets and Scote -#eets of 
easily hroke through the now unguarded walls, and with -man 
impunity ravaped far and wide, Pirates from the Dan- with- 
ish and German coasts, no longer held in check by Roman drawal.

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