Full text: Outlines of British history

ABOUKIR, Battle, 187. 
Abyssinian War, 215, 
Acadia, 124, 
Acre, Siege, 48, 188, 
Afghan War, 216, 
Aix-Ila-Chapelle, Treaty, 
146, 174, 
Alabama, The, 216, 
Albert, Prince, 205, 
Albuera, Battle, 193, 
Alexander, Sir Wm., 125. 
Alfred the Great, 20. 
Alliance, Grand, 161. 
Alliance, Holy, 199. 
Alliance, Quadruple, 170, 
Alliance, Triple, 170. 
Alına, Battle, 209. 
Almanza, Battle, 163. 
Alva, Duke of, 111. 
America, South, 140, 
American War of Inde- 
pendence, 180; Civil 
War, 214. 
Amiens, Peace, 189. 
Anjou, Duke of, 107, 
Anne of Cleves, 95, 
Anne of Denmark, 119. 
Anne, Queon, 161-165. 
Anselm, 34, 36. 
Argyle, Earl of, 151. 
Argyle, Marquis of, 134. 
Armada, Invincible, 118. 
Armed Neutrality, 188. 
Arran, Earl of, 107, 
Ashantee War, 216. 
Assize, Bloody, 151. 
Atherton Moor, 132. 
Aughrim, Battle, 157, 
Augustine, 18. 
Austerlitz, Battle, 190, 
Australasian Colonies, 
(jovernment of, 224. 
Austrian Succession, War 
of. 1738. 
BABINGTON'S P_orT, 111. 
Bacon, Lord, 117, 123, 
3Zacon, Sir Nicolas, 108. 
3Zadajoz, 193, 
Balaclava, Battle, 210. 
3aliol, John, 56, 
Zaltic, Battley 188, 
Bannockburn, Battle, 59 
Barebone’s Parliament, 
Bareilly, 213. 
Barnet, Battle, 79. 
Bartholomew’s (St,) Day, 
Massacre, 111. 
““ Basilicon Doron,” 119. 
Beaconsfield, Lord, 216. 
Becket, Thomas, 43, 
Berengaria, 48, 
Berlin Decrees, 191. 
Berlin, Treaty, 217. 
Berwick, Pacification, 129. 
Bible, Autbhorized Ver- 
sion, 120, * 
Black Death, The, 62, 
Blake, 138, 140, 
Blenheim, Battle, 163, 
Boadicea, 13. 
Boleyn, Anna, 94, 95, 
Bonner, Bishop, 99, 102, 
105. - 
Bosworth, Battle, 32 
3othwell, Earl of, 109. 
Bouvines, Battle, 50. 
Boyne, Battle, 157, 
Bradshaw, 125, 
Brandywine River, 181. 
Breda, Declaration of, 141. 
Breda, Treaty, 144. 
Bretigny, Treaty, 63. 
3reviary, 99. 
3ridal of Norwich, 83. 
Bristol, 1832. 
Britain, Ancient, 12. 
Bruce, Robert (elder), 56. 
Bruce, Robert (younger), 
Ruckingham, Duke of 
(George Villiers), 122, 
124, 126, 127. 
Budget, The, 222. 
Bunker’s Hill, Battle, 180, 
3uonaparte, 186, 
Burleigh, Lord, 106. 
3ye Plot, 119. 
3yng, Admiral, 175. 
YABAL, The, 145, 147. 
"abinet, The, 222. 
Jabot, Sebastian, 101, 
Yadiz, 114, 126, 
Desar, 12. 
Ualais, 62, 1056, 
Jamperdown, 186. 
Campion, 111. 
Zanada, 124, 176, 185, 204. 
Zanada, Government of, 
Canning, George, 199, 
Canute, 28.

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