Full text: A history and geography of Nova Scotia

he became quite noted in his way. He GREEN Yan a n 
tion. of the soil, looked after the public health, Mr an 
history of the colony. He also wrote poetry after a —— ho best 
which he was wont to amuse his friends, vor ps he be 
sarned the gratitude of the colony by gecuring SE ls hand mills 
water-power mill for making flour, in place ©; 
previously used. 
The Good Time.— The following winter passed 
pleasantly. Fifteen of the leading men formed a club, 
Which they named Zhe Order of ihe Good Time. Day 
about each member held the office of Grand Master, 
whose duty it was to provide for the table, and to 
furnish amusement during his day of office. Each, as 
his turn came to play host, strove to outdo his pre- 
decessor. Welcome guests at the festive board were 
the Indian chiefs, most honoured of whonm was old 
Memberton, whose head was now whitened by a 
hundred winters. After dinner, the members of the 
club smoked their lobster-claw pipes, and listened to 
the old chief’s Indian tales, 
1607, A.D.— "The French company by which the 
colony at Port Royal was sustained had looked chiefly 
to the fur trade for its profits. Its exclusive right to 
Yhis trade having been taken away, the expense of 
the colony exceeded the income. "The company 
accordingly instructed Poutrincourt to break up the 
Settlement and return to France. Reluetantly the 
Colonists left their new-made homes, and much did 
their Indian friends grieve at their departure, 
At the end of three years Poutrincourt returned 
to Port Royal. He had promised the king of France 
to aid in converting the Indians, and he brought out 
a priest for this work. The aged chief Memberton 
Was the first convert, and through his influence many 
of his people soon became Christians, Wishing to

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