Full text: A history and geography of Nova Scotia

ship at the Episcopal Church, and all graduates to 
Slgn the articles of that Church. 
Two Judges Impeached,— About this time two lawyers 
Made serious charges against Judges Deschamps and Brenton, the 
former of whom was a member of the Council. The House of 
Assembly took up the matter, and passed resolutions condemning 
he judges, aud calling on the governor to remove them from theix 
öffice, This, Governor Parr refused to do. Then the Assembly 
sent two of its members to England to bring the matter before 
the King and Privy Council. But the delegates failed to sustain 
the Charges, and the judges were not disturbed, 
Public coaches were not used in Halifax until 1811, Previous to 
Yhis time the sedan chair was a common conveyance, 
Royal Visitors. — Prince William Henry, who 
äfterwards became William IV. of England, visited 
Halifax on different occasions, At one time he re- 
Mained about three weeks. In 1794, there came 
another royal visitor, Prince Edward, younger brother 
of Prince William Henry, and father of Queen Vie- 
toria, For over four years he held command of 
the troops in Halifax, His favourite residence was 
the Prince’s Lodge, a beautiful place belonging to 
Governor Wentworth, on the west side of Bedford 
Basin, about six miles from the: city. 
x In his diseipline the prince was strict, even to-severity. 
The rules which he enforced did much to break up the drinking 
And gambling habits which prevailed in the garrison at the time 
öf his arrival. When off duty the prince was most affahle and 
°ourteous, He took great interest in the welfare of the citizens 
of Halifax, and became u favourite with all classes of the people, 
AS he was one day riding through the eity, his horse stumbleil 
And fell. The prince was seriously injured by the fall, and he 
Shortly afterwards went to England for medical treatment. In 
the following year he returned to Halifax ; owing to ill health, 
however, he remuained but a short time. 
_ The Maroons.— In the year 1796, about five 
lundred negroes were brought to Halıta« from the

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