Full text: First lessons in geography

For what 
is South Amer- 
ica noted? 
For the large. 
rivers and 
longest moun- 
tain-chain in 
the world. 
What precious stones 
are found in Brazil? 
What has been ob- 
tained in Bolivia ? 
Silver in Jar 
What animals 
roa; . 
9am Over the The Condor is the largest bird of flight in the world. The 
vast grassy plains Jaguar is like a leopard; the Tapir, like a large 18) 
of South America ? and the Iguana is a kind of lizard. The Llama is 
beast of burden. 
Horses and 
cattle in immense numbers. 
What remarkable species of serpent 
in South America ? 
The Boa Constrictor which is able 
to destroy animals as large as deer.

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