Full text: First lessons in geography

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The Tea 
Plant grows 
to the height 
of five or Six 
feet, and is cul- 
tivated in Chi 
na and Japan. 
The leaves are 
gathered when 
green, and dried 
on heated pans, 
The color of 
green tea is due 
to a coloring 
matter that {is 
dusted over 
in the pansı 
The branches of the Coffee Tree are loaded with berries, which look 
Jike red cherries. Each berry contains two grains or seeds of a light green 
color, which resemble beans cut into halves. These are roasted and ground 
before the coffee is ready for use, 
Coffee comes from Arabia, Java, South America, and the West Indies. 
Rye and Oats 
grow on the top 
of the plants or 
stalks. When 
ripe they are cut 
something like 
grassz then the 
grain is removed 
from the husk, by 
being thrashed 
or beaten. The 
stems or Sstalks 
we call s!raw. 
Wheat is ground 
into flour, oats 
into oatmeal. 

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