Full text: A history of the United States for schools

paid very little attention to the Embargo, and it was soon found 
that we needed the trade with England quite as much as Eng- 
land needed ours. Upon the whole, the Embargo did more 
harm than good, and in 1809 the act was repealed and commerce 
was again free. 
142. The Treason of Aaron Burr.— In 1801, when Jefferson 
was elected President, Aaron Burr of New York was elected 
Vice-President. Burr was an able man, but he was a restless 
and an ambitious schemer. In 1804 he killed Alexander Hamil- 
ton in a duel, and this act made him so unpopular that he left 
New York and went to the Southwest, where he entered into a 
plot to separate the country west of the Alleghanies from the 
older States and to found a new nation with himself as Presi- 
dent. Jefferson kept himself informed as to what Burr was 
trying to do, and in good time he caused the schemer to be ar- 
rested and brought to trial on the charge of treason against his 
country (1807). The government failed to convict him of 
treason, and he was reieased. 
In 1809 Jefferson’s second term expired. He could have been 
elected for a third term, but refused the honor. Washington 
had refused a third term, and Jefferson thought that the ex- 
ample set by Washington should be followed by all future 
1. Give an account of the election of Jefferson. Describe the city of 
Washington as it appeared in 1800. Give an account of Jefferson’s 
inauguration. What principles of government were laid down by Jeffer- 
son? (See quotation, p. 186.) 
2. Why was it necessary that the United States should own Louisiana? 
Give an account of the Louisiana Purchase. 
3. Describe the explorations of Lewis and Clark; of Pike. 
4. Why did Jefferson wage war upon Tripoli? What was the result 
of the war? 
s. What outrages were committed on American vessels by England 
and France during Jefferson’s administration? Give an account of the 
impressment of seamen by England, . 
6. What was the Embargo of 1807? What were the results of this 
7. Give an account of the treason and the trial of Aaron Burr.

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