Full text: Comly's spelling and reading book

SPR 157 
Sluice, n. a floodgate. 'Spruce, a. neat, trim, 
snäre, v. to entrap. spü’rious, a. counterfeit, 
sobrl’ety, n. gravity. squa id, a. foul, flthy. 
sö’ciable, a. friendly. stabil’ity, n. steadiness. 
socl’ety, n. COMpany. stä’ble, a. firm, steady, fixed. 
sojoürn,' v. to dwell. stäg’nant, a. still. 
sö’lar, a. of the sun. stäle, a. old, long kept. 
söl’dier, n. a warrior. stäm’mer, v. to hesitate, 
söVemn, a. grave, serious. stä’tionary, a. fixed. 
sol&m’nity, n. gravity. stät’ue, n. an image. 
soll’eit, v. to entreat. stät’ute, n. a law. 
solid’ity, n. firmness, stäad’fast, a. firm, constant. 
söl’itary, a. alone, single. steam, N. Vapour. 
söFitude, n. lonely life. stench, 2. stink, bad smell: 
söl’vent, a. able to pay. stenög’raphy, n. short-hand, 
sond’rous, a. loud sounding. sterile, a. barren, unfruitful. 
soothe, v. to calm, to soften. stig’matize, v. to disgrace. 
söph’istry, n. false argument stim’ulate, v. to excite. 
‚soporif ’je, a. causing sleep. stin’gy, a. niggardly. 
sör'did, a. covetous, mean, stip’ulate, v. to contract, 
sör'row, n. grief, mourning. strät’agem, n. an artifice, 
sove'reign, n. supreme lord. strength, n. force, vigor. 
source, n. origin, head. strän’uous, a. active, zealous.. 
spä’cious, a. wide, roomy. strict, @. exaot, Severe. 
'spawn, n. eggs of fish. stüb’born, a. obstinate. 
special, a. particular. stü’dent, n. a scholar. 
species, n. class, kind, sort. stupid’ity, n. dulness, 
sp&’cimen, 2. a sample. stupen’dous, a. amazing. 
spe’cious, a. Showy. style, n. manner of writing. 
spectA’tor, n. a looker-on. subdüe’, v. to conquer. 
spe@’dy, a. swift, quick. sublime, a. high, lofty. 
sphere, n. a globe. süb’lunary, a. earthly. 
‚Spi’nous, a. thorny. submis’sion, n. obedience. 
spi’ral, a. curved, winding. submis’sive, a. humble. 
spite’'ful, a. malicious. süb’sequent, a. following. 
spl&n’did, a@. showy. subsist’ence, n%. support. 
spotl, v. to rob, to deface. substän’tial, a. real, solid. 
spontä’neous, a. voluntary. süb’stitute, 2. one for another. 
spört’ive, a. gay, merry. süb'’terfuge, n. a shift, trick. 
spouse, %. husband or wife. subterrä’neous, a. under the 
spray, n. foam of the sea, ] yround. 
‚spright’ly, a. brisk, lively. !sü le, a. eunning, artful.

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