Full text: Comly's spelling and reading book

SUS 158 TEP N 
Subv&rt', v. te overturn, to' Suspen’sion, n. cessation, de- 
destroy. lay. 
succ&ss’ful, a. prosperous. süs’tenance, ». support, food. 
succ&s’sion, z. in order, line- swär'thy, a. tawny, dusky. 
age. swell, v. to grow larger. 
succinet', a. concise, brief, swerve, v. to turn aside. 
süc’cor, n. help. Swoon, v. to faint. 
sudorif’ie, a. causing 8weat. syc’ophant, n. a fÜatterer. 
suffi’cient, a. enqugh, equal sym'metry, n. proportion. 
to. sym’pathy, n. fellow-feeling. 
süf’frage, n. a vote, voice. symp'tom, n. sign, token. 
suffüse‘, v. to blush. synöp’sis, n. a general view. 
suxg&st', v. to hint. 'sys’tem, m. theory; method. 
sül’len, a. obstinate, selfish. 
süm’mary, a. short, brief, 
sümp’tuous, a. costly. 
sün’dry, a. several. 
superb’, a. grand, pompous. 
supercil’ious, a. haughty. 
superf /’cial, a. shallow; out- 
superflü’ity, m. more than 
supe'rior, a. higher, 
super'lative,a. highest degree. 
superseribe‘, v. to write on 
the outside. 
supersti’tion, %. notion. 
supervise', v. to oversee. 
supplica’tion, n. petition. 
suppress', v. to crush. 
supreme', a. highest. 
süre’ty, n. safety. 
sürface, 2. tho outside. 
surpäss', v. to excel, 
surprise‘, v. to take unawares 
surren’der, v. to give up. 
surrepti’tious, a. by stealth. 
survey’, v. to overlook, to 
suse&p'tible, a. admitting. 
suspend’, v. to hang; to delay. 
‚T&eit, a. silent, implicd. 
ES v. to infect. 
tAl’on, n. a bird’s claw. 
tän’gent, a. touching. 
tän’gible, @. that may be 
tän’tamount, a. equivalent. 
tär'dy, a. slow, dilatory. 
|taunt, v. to insult, to revile, 
|tautöF’ogy, n. repetition, 
t&ch’nical, a. belonging toarts. 
t&’dious, a. wearisome, 
tem&r'ity, %. rashness. 
t&m’perance, 2. moderation. 
t&m’porary, a. for a short 
temptä’tion, ». enticement. 
t&n’able, a. that may be held. 
tenä’eious, a. holding fast. 
tän’dency, n. course, direc- 
‚t&n’der, a. soft, gentle. 
t&n’don, n. a 8inew, 
‚t&n’dril, z. elasp of a vine. 
|tan’or, n. purport. 
t&n'uous, a. thin, small. 
'”-'3d, a, Iukewarm.

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