Full text: Comly's spelling and reading book

TRA 159 VEH 
T&rminate, v. to limit, end. ' Transpä'rent, a. clear. 
terrAs’trial, a. earthly.‘ transposi’tion, ”. the act of 
tär'rikle, a. dreadful. changing. 
t&r'ritory, n. district, land. träv'erse, v. to wander over, 
t&r'ror, n. great fear, treach’erous, a. faithless. 
testä’ceous, a. shelly, treas’ure, n. wealth laid up. 
täg’tify, v. to bear witness. tröa’tise, n. a discourse. 
1t2s’timony, n. evidence. trem&n’dous, a. dreadful. 
t&x’ture, n. a web. träm’ulous, a. shaking. 
thänk’ful, a. grateful. tribula’tion, n. vexation. 
th&ory, n. plan, system. tri&n/nial, @. for three years. 
thö’rax, n. the breast. triv’ial, a. worthless, trifling. 
thwärt, v. to cross, to vex, tri’umph, n. joy for success. 
ti’dings, n. news, message, tü’mult, nz. noise, riot. 
tiVlage, n. farming. tür'’bid, a. thick, muddy. 
tim’orous, a. fearful. tür’bulent, a. noisy. 
tinc’ture, n. color; infusion. tüärgid, a. swelling. 
‚tithe, n. tenth part. twäin, a. two. 
toiV’et, z. dressing-table. twin’kle, v. to sparkle. 
itoi’some, a. laborious, type, n. a figure, emblem. 
tö’ken, n. sign, mark. tyr'anny, n. severity. 
töl’erate, v. to allow. 
|tör’ment, %. pain, misery. 
'tör’pid, a. numb, inactive. 
tör'rid, a. parched, burning. 
tör’ture, n. pain, anguish. 
tö’tal, a. all, whole. 
toüch’y, a. peevish. 
'träc’table, a. manageable, 
tradi’tion, %. account given. 
tradüce', v. to slander. 
'träf’fe, n. trade, commerce, 
train, v. to educate. 
trän’quil, a. peaceful, calm. 
‚transc&nd’, v. to surpass, to 
excel. + 
transc&nd’ent, a. excellent. 
transfer’, v. to convey over. 
transförm', v. tochange shape. 
transgr&ss', v. to violate. 
trän’sient, @. Soon past. 
trans!’tion, n. change.

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