Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

Manufacturing is making articles from raw materials, 
Most things obtained by agrieulture must be manufac- 
tured before they are fit for use. 
Commerce is buying and selling, or exchanging goods. 
Some countries can better produce one thing, and some 
another. By commerce, each can obtain the productions 
of all. 
ExERCISE. — These are but few of the things civilized people 
do. Name some classes of persons who do other things. (Artists, 
who spend their time in making beautiful things; preuchers and 
teachers, who instruct the people; lawyers, doctors, authors, etc.) 
Naıne the materials we use most for food; for clothing; for shelter. 
How do we get them? Name some of the things we obtain only 
by commerce, From what countries do they come? What business 
is shown in the pieture on the preceding page? On p. 30? 36? 
49? Which business would you prefer? Why? "The pictures on 
pp. 64, 81, and 165 show savage life. Would you like it? 
77V. — REVIEW. 
XI. What is climate? How many zones are there? Where is 
the Torrid Zone? Each Temperate Zone? Each Frigid Zone? 
How does climate change from the equator to the poles? From 
the bottom to the top of mountains ? 
XII. In what zone are plants most luxuriant? In what zones 
least so? To what zone do most of our cultivated plants belong? 
Where are wild animals largest and most dangerous? In which 
were the domestic animals native? What sort of animals live in 
ihe Frigid Zone? 
XIII. How many races are there? What are their colors? 
Where is the white race? The yellow race? "Che brown race? 
The red race? Where are the black races? 
XIV. IIow do civilized nations supply their wants? Define 
agrieuliure ; manufaeturiug , commerce, IIow do savages supply 
E eir wants? Barbarous ne

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