Volltext: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

(Part I, Paozs 9, 10, 55, 836.) 
Ever since these States were settled, agrieulture has been 
their main business, — until recently almost the only one. 
This is not strange, because the level surface and rich soil 
make cultivation easy and crops abundant; and the market, 
too, is sure, for the elimate favors the growth of things 
necded for use where they cannot be produced, But the 
Southern States have stores of coal and iron and abundant 
water power, which are now used in manufacturing, especially 
in Georgia. A few eities owe their growth to £heir manu- 
factures, but most depend on the cotton trade for business, 
Agriculture is the main business of these States. 
Besides the great catton crop, rice grows on lowlands 
New Orleans. La. 
along the eoast, and the warmest portions produce sugar 
and tropical fruits. 
Manufacturing increases 
manufactures takı "ho lead.


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