Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

England has more great cities than any other country 
of its size. 
London is the capital of the British Empire, and is 
the largest city on the globe. It contains more than 
four millions of people. 
Liverpool is the great seaport of northern England, 
Manchester is the leading city of the world in cotton 
manufactures, and Birmingham in iron works. 
Leeds is celebrated for its manufactures of wool. 
Glasgow, in Scotland, is famous for the iron steam- 
ships built there; and Edinburgh for its university. 
Dublin is the most important city in Ireland. 
ExErCISE. — (Open books to map of British Isles.) Name the 
waters which separate Great Britain from the continent; Ireland 
from Great Britain. Name the different parts of Great Britain. 
Which includes the Jargest part of the island? Which has most 
of the great cities? Find all the cities named in the lesson, Read 
what is said in Part I, (pp- 116, 117) about London; about Man- 
»hester and Liverpool (p. 118) ; about Edinburgh (p. 120). 
There are other large cities in England, about which you will like 
to learn at another time; and there are smaller ones which are 
very interesting. Find Cambridge; Oxford. At these two places 
are the old and celebrated English universities, of which we often 
hear. "There is also a famous university in Ireland, at Dublin. 
Strait of Dover, Lands End, Wales, Thames (Temz) 
River, Lonnon, Liverpool, Manchester, Bir’-ming- 
ham, Leeds, Cambridge, Ox’-ford. 
E:V' ri. Jes Islands, Glas’-gow, Ed’-in-burgh, 
Mass Cluar, St. Georges Channel, Dublin, Bel-fast/, 

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