EXEROISE. — (Open books to map of Central Europe.) Find
Switzerland. What famous mountain just outside of it? Find
Geneva. Find Bern. Bound the German Empire, Find Berlin.
Find Munich.
Find Hamburg. Find Breslau. Find Dresden and Leipzig.
(PArrT I., PAGES 154, 1565.)
The leading state of this great empire is Austria, situated
in the western highlands
south of the Danube.
The Austrians and their
near neighbors are Ger-
mans. The other peoples
of the empire speak dif-
ferent languages, and are
very unlike the Austri-
ans. The kingdom of
ZIungary, in the middle
part, is the largest divi-
sion of the empire.
lies in central Europe,
southeast of the Ger-
man Empire. It con-
sists of Austria, Hun-
gary, and a number of
provinces, united under an Austrian emperor.
The surface of Hungary is composed largely of plains.
Street Scene in Austria.