Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

The other parts of the empire are generally hilly or 
mountainous. The Danube is the greatest river, 
The elimate is warmer than that of Germany. 
The chief pursuit is agriculture, but manufacturing 
and mining are also important. Grain, flax, and wine 
are produced in the rich plains. 
The greatest cities are Vienna, Budapest, and 
Prague. Vienna is the capital of the empire. 
ExErcıse. — (Open books to map of Europe.) Bound Austria- 
Hungary; find its capital. What have you read (p. 154) about 
Vienna? Turn to the map of Central Kurope, and find another 
capital in this empire ; this is the capital of Hungary. "The Danube 
fAows through it: and, formerly, the parts on the opposite sides of 
the river were separate cities, named Pesth and Buda; but now 
they are united into one, and its name is Budapest. 
Find Prague. In what province is it? Bohemia was once a king- 
dom, and Prague was its capital. Finda city directly east of Prague, 
There are famous salt mines near Cracow. In the mountains be- 
tween Cracow and Vienna, are the most productive gold and silver 
mines in Europe. What parts of Italy and France are shown in 
this map? Where will you find the rest? (On map of Europe.) 
GERMAN EMPIRE, Rhine River, Ber’-LINn, Bres’-lau, Hamburg, 
Drns’'-pen, Leip’-zig, Munich. 
Austrra-Huncary. Alps Mountains, Danube River, Vıenna, Bu’- 
DA-PEST, Prague. i 
Alps Mountains, Geneva, BERN. 
Rhine River, Tue Hacus (Häg), Amsterdam. 
Alps Mountains, Po River, Mi-lan’, Venice, 
Mont Blanc, Rhone River, Lyons. 
Tag Nrert 
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