Russia fills. nearly all the great plain of eastern
Europe. "The northern part is very cold, and. is mostly
a forest region.
The settled portions of Russia are principally in the
middle and soutlwestern parts, where the climate is
moderate, and there are rich farming lands.
The great business of the people is farming and
stock raising. Fine crops of wheat and flax, and large
herds of horses and cattle, are raised.
The largest cities are St. Petersburg and Moscow.
St. Petersburg is the capital.
Roumania is a small kingdom in the plains at the
mouth of the Danube. It contains rich wheat lands,
and is a farming country. Bucharest is its capital.
ExERCISE, — (Open books to the map of Europe.) Bound
Russia. Find St. Petersburg: what have you read (p. 159) about
it? Find Moscow. "This was the capital before St. Petersburg was
Yuilt. The Russians are a sociable people, found of meeting and
chatting together. "The picture shows a little group who seem to
be having a fine time, One of them, you see, is a wandering
musician, With his instrument on his shoulders, and a staff in his
hand. I wonder what sort of music he can make?
Find Roumania, What countries are its neighbors? To what
country (p. 155) did Roumania and the little states south of the
Danube once belon&?
LVI. What countries of Europe are in the southern peninsulas?
Describe their surface; their climate; the chief occupations and
productions. Name the largest cities of the southern countries.
Name the capital of each of these countries.
LVITI. What and where is Switzerland? Its most important
city? What do you know about Geneva? What is the capital of