and killed them in great numbers. Sometimes, too, they
drove them swiftly to the edge of a precipice, over which
they fell, and hundreds at a time, were killed. "he In-
dians were very fond of this way of hunting.
4. The Rocky Mountains are quite different from
Any mountains in the eastern half of the United States.
If you could look down
üpon them from above,
You would see two great
tanges, side by side, with
% wide valley between
Uhıem. "They are so lofty
Chat their lowest passes
Ave higher than the high-
°St peaks of the Appsa-
lachians. Many short
Fanges, crossing between
them, cut up the great
inner valley into broad
basins, some of them dark
with forests, and. others
bright with rich prairie
STass, All the lower and
Middle. slopes of these
Mountains are thickly covered with forests.
5. Higher up, the trees become smaller and smaller,
until only bare gray rocks appear, with here and there
Patches of grass or of bright mountain flowers. Above
Shese, are the high, wild peaks, covered with snow even
N summer, and glistening above the dark forests and
Tücks like erowns of silver. "These peaks have all sorts
9f rugged, broken forms; and the whole mountain sys-
Rocky Mountains.