Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

7. Mount Ararat, on which the ark rested, is in this country ; and 
here Noah and his posterity settled, after the flood. "This part of Asin 
is inhabited by 7urks, Arabs, Turcomans, Armenians, and Kurds. 
Noah and his Family Jenving the Ark. 
8. Smyrna, Bagdad, and Bussorah, are the prineipal cities. 
Smyına is noted for its trade in fizs, of which large quantities are 
hrought to the United States. 
9. Syria was conquered by the Turks in 1516, and 
has belonged to them ever since. It was renowned 
in ancient times for is commerce and riches. 
10. Tyre, Baalbec, and Palmyra, were large and splendid cities, 
of which nothing remains but ruins. Damascus and Aleppo are now 
the chief cities of Syria: the former is situated in a rich and fertile 
Aistrict. Aleppo, in the year 1822, was nearly all destroyed by an 
aarthauake: but it has since been rebuilt. 
ark rest? — By whom is this part of Asia inhabited? 8. Which are 
the principal cities 1— For what is Smyrna noted1 9. Of what did 
Syria long form a part? — For what was it renowned in ancient 
times? ‘10. What were Tyre, Baalbee, and Palmyra? — Which are 
now the chief cities 1— When was Aleppo nearly destroved ?!

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