5. Mozambique is governed by the Portuguese, and Zanguebar by
the Arabs. Berbora is inhabited by the Somaulies, an industrious and
active race, They are almost black, but are different from the negroes.
6. Sovpan is a fertile and populous region, in the
centre of Africa. The principal kingdoms are Bam-
barra, Houssa, and Bornou.
7. The inhabitants of Houssa are called Fellatas. They are the
most important people in this quarter, and have conquered several
Of the neighbouring countries. Soccatoo, Timbuctoo, and Sego, are
the chief cities of Soudan,
On the map you will find that. a number of islands lie on both
sides of Africa: some of these are fertile and well settled.
8. The Azores are noted for oranges; Madeira, for wine; and the
Cape Verde Islands, for salt. These all belong to Portugal. The
Canary Islands are under the dominion of Spain: they are famous
for wine and Canary-birds,
9. St. Helena belongs to Great Britain. Here the emperor of the
French, Napoleon Bonaparte, resided as a prisoner for six years.
10, Madagascar, the largest of the African islands, is fruitful and
populous. Many of the inhabitants, some years ago, embraced the
Christian faith. They have been, of late, greatiy persecuted.
11. Bourbon Island belongs to the French, and the Isle of France
to the British: they both produce much coffee and sugar, The Sey-
Chelle and Almirante islands also belong to Great Britain.
12. The Comoro islands are governed by their own chiefs. Zan
zibar is noted for sugar, Socotra produces a drug called Aloes.
5. By whom is Mozambique governed? — Zanguebar ? 6 What,
and where is Soudan! — Name the prineipal kingdoms. 7, What are
the inhabitants of Houssa called? 8. What are the Azores noted for !
— Madeira ? — Cape Verde Islands ? — Under what dominion are
the Canary islands? 9, To what power does St. Helena belong ? —
Who resided there as a prisoner? 10. What is Madagascar ! —
What did many of the inhabitants embrace? 11. To whöm docs
Bourbon Island belong? — The Isle of France? — 12. By whom are
the Comoro Islands governed!— What is Zanzibar noted for!-
What does Socotra produce ?