Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

10. Africa, for more than three hundred years past, Las furnished 
slaves to the people of various parts of the earth. Millions of these 
unhappy beings have been carried away from their country and 
friends, and doomed to laborious servitude in foreign lands. 
11. Several of the inland parts of Africa have been visited hy 
Mungo Park, Captain Clapperton, the brothers Landers, and others. 
12. These travellers have given to the world some account of the 
inhabitants, and productions; still, our knowledge of Africa is im- 
nerfect, and chiefly confined to the countries on the sea coasts. 
1. Ocmanıca is a very extensive region. It comprises 
the greater part of the Pacific Ocean, with the numer- 
Ous islands that are scattered over its surface. Malay- 
sia, Australasia, and Polynesia, are the chief divisions. 
92. A few of these islands are large and populous: others are small, 
and have no inhabitants. Some of them contain lofty mountains 
and numerous volcanoes: the latter often cause dreadfül ravages, 
3. Mau_aysıa includes the islands of Borneo, Suma- 
tra, Java, the Philippine, and Molucca, or Spice Islands, 
These produce sugar, coffee, rice, pepper, cloves, and 
nutmegs. Gold and diamonds abound in Borneo. 
10. How long has Africa furnished slaves, &c.1— What have they 
been doomed to? 11. Who have visited several of the inland parts 
Of Africa? 12. What have these travellers given some account of! — 
What is our knowledge chiefly confined to? 
Qusstions. — 1. What does Oceanica comprise ? — Which are its 
chief divisions? 2. What are a few of those islands 1 — What do 
some of them contain? 3, What does Malaysia include ? — What do

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