Full text: An easy introduction to the study of geography

LESSON 18.* 
Or the opposite page is a Map of the Western Hemisphere, A Hemi- 
;phere signifies half of a globe, "The Western Hemisphere centains North 
America, South America, and part of Oceanica, . 
Point out, on the Map, North America— South America — Oceanica. 
The two first divisions form the Western Continent, 
Point out the Pacific Ocean— Atlantic Ocean — Northern Ocean — 
Southern Ocean. 
The Pacific Ocean bounds America; qn the west; the Atlantic Ocean on 
ine Sast; the Northern Ocean on the nofth; and the Southern Ocean on the 
Point out the North Pole — South Pole — Equator. . 
The North Pole is the northern extremity of the eurth : the South Pole is 
the southern extremity. The Equator is a great circle that passes round 
the earth, midway between the North and the South Poles. 
Point out, on the Map, the Arctic Circle — Antarctic Circle, 
All that part of the earth situated between the Arctic Circle and the North 
Pole, is the North Frigid Zone. "That part situated between the Antarctic 
Circle and the South Pole, is the South Frigid Zone. 
The Frigid Zones are the coldest parts of the earth: the ground is covered 
nearly all Ihe year with ice and snow. 
Point out, on the Map, the Tropic of Cancer — Tropic of Capricorn. 
That part of the earth situated between the Tropic of Cancer and the 
Arctic Circle, is the North Temperate Zone. "That part situated between 
DS Tropic of Capricorn and the Antaretic Circle, is the South Temperate 
In the Temperate Zones the weather is generally mild and pleasant. The 
North Temperate Zone contains the most important :ountries, and the most 
powerful nations in the world, We live in the North Temperate Zone. 
That part of the earth situated on both sides of the Equator, and between 
the Tropic of Cancer and the "Tropic of Capricorn, is the Torrid Zone. 
The Torrid Zone is the warmest part of the earth. Here ice and snow 
are never seen, except on the tops of the highest mountains. Coffee, pepper, 
cloves, nutmegs, and many fine fruits, grow in the Torrid Zone. '"Uhe in- 
habitants are chiefly black, or of dark complexion. 
* The Pupil will point Out, on the Map, the names in Ihe lossapn har are Prien m Ta 
‘ype, and read with attention ıhe explanations given 6° hr u 
With all the lessons Uhat are connected with ihe 3%

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