Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

Map No. 11.—Which is the largest of the Middle States? N.-Yı— 
The second in extent? Pa.—Third? N.-J,— Fourth ? De.— Which 
axtends farthest north and east? N.-Y,— South? De.-—West? Pa— 
Which state has the greatest extent of sea-coast ? N.-Y. — Which has 
no sca-coast? Pa‚— The Middle States extend from Jatitude 384 to 45 
degrecs, — How many degrees of latitude, then, do they include ? 
They extend from longitude 5 degrees cast of Washington, to about 
33 west? — How many degrees of longitude do they include? — 
Which is the largest Island belonging 10 the Middle States? Lg. — 
What is its length?-— "The nest in size? Sn.— "This Island forms 
Richmond county, in New York. —Which are the principal moun- 
‘ins? Ay, Be, CL, Mn. — Which is the highest mountain ? My. — 
How high is it? —Which are the chief rivers that flow into the Ocean ? 
Hn., De., Sa. —Which two form the Ohio? Ay., Ma. — How long 
are all these rivers? —Which state has the greatest extent of lake- 
soast? N.-Y.— The next? Pa— How long is each of thesc lakes? 
— For what are they navigable ? — How far is it from New York to 
Bristol, England ? — From New Jersey to Italy ? — From Delaware to 
Turkey ? — From Philadelphia to Norfolk ? 
9 wm 
View of the lower part of the City of New York. 
1. New Yonx is the most flourishing, wealthy, and popu- 
lous state in the Umion. It exhibits one of those amazıng 
axamples of growth and prosperity that are no where Seen On 
he globe beyond our own borders. 
New York, Q.— 1. What “Now York? What does it exhibit!

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