5. The works of internal improvement already completed,
have added greatly to the intercourse between the eastern and
western parts of the Union, and are rapidly increasing the
‚rade and commerce of the state,
6, No general system of education was adopted in Penn-
sylvania till 1834. Since that period, the number of schools
and scholars has greatly increased.‘ Besides nearly 8,000
Common Schools, and more than 400,000 scholars, there is a
University, c* "ion ©. Neges, and a number of respectable
3cuJemiz 7 ls in the state,
Cirard Collere.
7. The Girard College, for orphans, ncar Philadelphia, was endowed
3y the munificence of a private individual, Stephen Girard, who died in
1832, and left two millions of dollars for the purpose of erecting and
supporting the institution,
8, Pennsylvania was setiled hy a colony of English Quakers, or
Friends, under the guidance of William Penn, whose liberal views in
yovernment and religion and just policy towards tlıe natives, ensured
the prosperity of the colony, and preserved peace for many years
between the Indians and white setilers,
QG "This state acted a conspieuous vart in the war of the revolution.
works of internal immrovement? What have they added?
ic ofeducatior” (“the nus "ar of schools? 7. Girard
6. Who settled Pennsylvaniu? What is said of William
. How did the state act during the revolution ?