most elegant. The Alms-House, State Penitentiary, Naval Asylum,
and Girard College, all near Uhe.eity, are large and important edifices.
15. The Fairmount water-works, on the Schuylkill* river, supply
the city with pure and wholesome water, which is conveyed in pipes,
under ground, in every direction, Close to these works there is an
elegant wire bridge, 357 fect in length, and 30 feet above the surface of
ihe river. Two other bridges cross the Schuylkill lower down. The
city and Northern Liberties are lighted with gas in a superior manner.
16. The ship of the line Pennsylvania was built here, and launched
ın 1837, "This vast ship, probably the largest cver constructed, is 247
fect long, and 59 deep; carries 140 guns, and is 3,306 tons burthen,
17. Pittsburg, situated at the head of the Ohio river, is distinguished
for its numerous manufketories, A great fire occurred here April
17th, 1845, which destroyed about 1,000 houses, besides a vast amount
of merchandize; tke whole loss is estimated at from 6 million to 9
million dollars, Alleghany and Birmingham are considered suhnrbs
of Pittsburg, and are conneeted with it by bridges,
18, Lancaster, 62 miles.west of Philadelphia, is situated in a rich and
fertile country. Reading, Easton, Lebanon, Carlisle, Pottsville, Beaver,
Wilkesbarre,t and Eric, are all considerable towns: the latier is im-
portant on account of its harbour, which is one of the best on the lakes.
Map No. 11.—What bounds Pennsylvania on the north? N.-Y. —
South? De., Md., Va. — East? N.-Y., N.-J,. —West? Oo,, Va, —
What river separates Pennsylvania from New Jorsey? De, — What
river flows into Chesapeake Bay? Sa,—Which are its two chief
branches? Nhı., Wt. —What rivers unite at Pittsburg ? Ayı, Ma.—
What river do they form? Oo. —What river flows into the Susque-
hanna above Harrısburg ? Ja.—Tell the lengths of the forcgoing rivers,
—What two rivers flow into the Delaware? Lh., Sl. —What river
Hows into the Ohio below Pittsburg ? Br. — How many miles is the
Delaware navigahle for steam-boats ? —What mountains cxtend be-
‚ween Berks and Schuylkill counties ? Be. —What mountains in the
contre of the state? Ay,—What two ridges in the western part? Ll.,
Ct, — In which county is Philadelphia ? Pa, — Harrisburg? Dn,—
Lancaster? Lr.— Pittsburg ? Ay.—What is tho population of
Philadelphia ? — Taneaster ?— Harr’sburg ? — Reading ? — Easton ?
— Erie ? — Pittsburg ? — What lake forms the N. W. boundary of the
state? Ec, —What town on tlıe Jake? Ee, —When was Braddock
defeated ? — Where werc the battles of Brandywine and Germantown
fought? —When did the massacre of Wyoming take place ? — On
what river is Reading ? — Easton ? — Pottevillo T.— Wilkesharre ?
adorned ? Mention the public buildings, 15. Fairmount water-works?
; ; 4 16, Of the Ship Pennaylvania? 17. Deseribe
vanctar, The other tow..
‘re, Wilke’ harry.