The government of Hayti was, until of late, professedly republican;
but it is now, and in fact has always been, a military despotisın. The
regular army amounts to 40,000 men ; there is also a large militia force,
‚28. The annual exports are in value about 4 million dollars, or one-
sixth the amount of those sent from the French part of the island only,
previous to the year 1791,
29. The prineipal towns are Port au Prince, the capital, Jeremie,
ınd Aux Cayes, [O-kay',] In 1842, a dreadful earthquake destroycd
Cape Haytien, and several other towns, besides many of the inhabitants,
30, In 1843, an insurrection took place in Hayti, and President
Boyer was expelled; at the same time, the Spanish population, about
400,000 in number, declared their independence, and now form the
Republie of St, Domingo, The Hayticns have endeavoured to con.
quer the new state, but hitherto without success. The city of St.
Dominge is the capital. In 1849, President Soulouque became Em-
Deror, under the title of Fau +
Map No. 4. — Which is the largest of the West India Islands ? Ca,
— The second in size? Hi. — Third? Ja, — Fourth? P,-Ro.— How
long is Cuba? Hayti? Jamaica? Porto Rico? ‘These are the Great
Antilles. What sen between the Great Antilles and South America 7
Cn. — What islands north of Cuba? Bs, — Which are the principal
of the Bahamas? N.-Po., Ao., Ia., Ts, Lg., Gi. — Who discovered
Guanahani? In what year? What is the name of’ the eastern range
of the West India Is,? Ce, — What six islands on the coast of South
America? Oa,, Ca., B.-Ae,, Os, Ta, Ma.-— These are the Little
Antilles. The Bermudas are about the same distance from Charles-
ton, from Halifax, and from St, John’s, Porto Rico, How many miles
is it by the scale? How far arc the Bermudas from Madeira? What
is the population of Havanna? Kingston? Port au Prince? St
1. Sour AMERICA, the southern part of‘ the New World,
8 smaller in extent than the northern division of the continent
by almost one million of square miles : it is thinly settled, and
(or the most part uncultivated,
2. Like North America, it is noted for the grandeur and
extent of its mountains, rivers, and plains : it is also unrivalled
slaves? 27, Government? President? Army? 28. Exports?
29. The princıpal towne? What took place in 1843? What
accurred at the same time, &u.
South America, Q. —1. How much ame er ;- South Americathan North