Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

Ship coming from Sea, 
an the supposition that it is spherical, they all appear simple and pro- 
10. The inhabitants of the earth amount to about eight 
ıundred millions, and if they were equally distributed, every 
;quare mile of land would contain 16 human beings. 
11. On an average, a generation of men is supposed to exist about 
33 yoars. Some individuals live more than twice, and a very few three 
mes that period; but the cstimate is that 800 millions of human beings 
Me born and die every 33 years; being at the rute of almost 25 mil. 
10n8 a year, 66,000 every day, 2700 every hour, and 45 every minute. 
12. The creation of the world, according to the book of 
Genesis, took place ncar 6,000 years ago, so that supposing 
the average duration of life to have been always the same, 
about 175 generations of men would have existed since that 
i f life was 
duration 0: ° 
of the earth, Ch dur smaller number 
13, In the early ag08 eoreforo, fi prob 36 Hat a analler 
een „Sag hie have existed thar 
pf SCNerations of men 
What could N i inhabitants are there 
ot possibly happen? 10. How many inhabita: 
KW the earth? Kayposa {hoy were equally distributed, what would be 
Me Sflbct? 11, How long on an average does a generation of men exkl 
eV Müny are born and die every thirty-three years ? How an ie 
Lay year? Every day? Every hour? Every minute? 12. How long 
148 {he world boen created? Ifow many generation are supposed to 
have lived sinee that time? 13, When was the duration of lifo greater

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