1. Norrm Amgrıca extends from the Isthmus of
Panama on the sonth to the Arctic Ocean on the
north. Itis washed by the Atlantic Ocean on the
east, and the Pacific Ocean on the west.
2. The great region of mountains and highlands is in the
west. The lowland region extends through the middle and
along the Atlantic coast,
3, The rivers and lakes are on a magnificent scale. Lake
Superior is the largest known body of fresh water on the zlohe.
4. The most populous parts are in the southeast and
south. The northern and western portions contain but few
nhabitants except Indians.
5. In the north the climate is extremely cold; in the
middle it is femperate ; and in ihe south it is hot, 1; is so
cold in the north, that there are few trees, and these of
small growth, north of the 60th parallel of latitude, and the
ground is frozen most of the year north of the 55th parallel.
6. Among the wild animals of North America are the
polar and grizzly bear, wolf, fox, otter, beaver, bnuffalo, elk,
musk-ox, moose, and deer, |
7. The most noted birds are the wild turkey, pigeon,
white-headed. eagle, and humming-bird; the most remark-
able reptiles : the alligator, rattlesnake, and tortoise,
8. The political divisions of North America are: 1, Rus-
sian Possessions; 2 Greenland; 3. British Possessions; 4.
United States; 5. Mexico; 6. The States of Central
9. Russıan PossEssrons is a very cold country, inhabited by
neople chiefly engaged in collecting furs and skins.
10. GREENLAND is knownto be an island, though its north-
arn coast has never been explored. It belongs to Denmark,
Che inhabitants are of low stature, live in huts, and depend
or their subsistence prineipally on the seals which abound
ılong the coast, -
Questions.—1, Extent of North America? 2. Where is
‘he great region of mountains and highlands? The lowland
:egion? 3. Rivers andlakes? Lake Superior? 4, Where
are the most populous parts? 5. Deseribe the elimate,
6. Wild animals? 7. Birds? Reptiles? 8. Political divi-
sione? 9. Russian Passessiona? 10. Greenland ?