Full text: Colton and Fitch's modern school geography

the west? 32, What rivers cross the western part of 
the state ? 33. What river flows northwardly through 
the eastern part, and enters the Atlantic Ocean near the 
northeast corner of the state? 34. What lake in the 
south? 35. What three capes nroject from near the 
1. T-e. 2 8, C-a, A-c. 3, Fra, 4 A-a 5. 8ch, 6 St M-g, 7, 0-6 
3. F-t. 9. 0-0, A-a 10. M-o. 11. 8-b. 1% A-a, 18 0-0. 14 T-e, 
15. G-a. 16. F-a, Gulf of M-o, 17. M-i. 18, M-e. 19. M-e. 20. A-a, T-e, 
21. B-k W-r. 22. C-a, T-a. 23 T-e. 24. M-e. 25. M-v on ihe A-a. 
GW m 
1. GEORGTA is one 
of the most flour- 
ishing of the South- 
ern States. Many 
of its cities and vil- 
lages are growing 
rapidly in popula- 
2, Cotton, sweet po- 
tatoes, rice, and corn 
are the chief agricultu- 
ral products. Oranges 
and some other tirop- 
ical fruits grow in the 
southern part. 
3. Savannah, on the 
Savannah River, 18 
miles from its mouth, 
is a pleasant and flour- 
ishing city, and the seat 
Of an extensive cotton trade. A splendid monument has been 
erected here to the memory of (Gen. Pulaski. an officer in the 
American Revolution. 
4. The other principal places are MILLEDGEVILLE, the 
capital; Augusta ; Columbus; and Atlanta, 
Questions—1. What is Georgia ? 2, Agricultural products * 
3. Savannah? Pulaski Monument? A. Principal places? 
1. ALABAMA is noted for yielding more cotton 
than any other state in the Union. 
2. The climateof Alabama, like that of the other Southern 
States, is generally mild. and ice and snow are seldoam seen. 
southern extremity? 36. What keys, or small islands, 
south of Florida? 37. What bays indent the west 
coast? 38, What is the capital ? 39, What towns on 
the St. John’s River? 40. What town, the oldest in the 
United States, on the coast, south of the St. John’s. 
26. S-a, C-a, O-n, O-e. 27. H-e, F-e. 28, W-2. 29. O-a, A-a, 380. A-6. 
81. Gulf of M-o, A-8, 32. A-a, O-c, E-a. 33. St. J-s. 34, O-e. 85, Fa, 
S-e, K-o. 86. F-a, 87. T-a, A-e. 388. T-e. 89. P-a, J-e. 40. St. A-e. 
3. The Alabama and Tombigbee rivers are navigable— 
the former to Wetumpka, on the Coosa branch, and the latter 
to Columbus, in Mississippi. 
4. The prineipal towns are Mobile; MonTGoMERY, the 
capital; and Huntsville. Mobile, at the mouth of Mobile 
River, is, next to New Orleans, the greatest cotton market in 
the United Sliates. 
Questions.—1. For what is Alabama noted? 2, Its eli- 
mate? 3. Navigable rivers ? 4. Prineipal town? Mobile? 
1 (0° "?IDA. 
1. Frorma is the most southerly state in the 
Union. Ithasa mild and healthful celimate. The 
population is chiefly in the northern part, 
2. The chief products are rice, Corn, sugar-cane, Cotton, 
and tobacco. Various tropical fruits abound. There are no 
large towns in the state,‘ St. Augustine is a very old place, 
Pensacola is noted for its naval station. 
Questions,—1. What is Florida? Climate? Where is 
. its nonulation ? 92. Chief vdroduecte? Other facts?

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