Metadata: Modern school geography and atlas

What is the area of the United States? Population? Size? 
Japital? How are the United States bounded? What do the United 
States comprise? Name the principal mountain chains. How do they 
livide the country? Describe the Rocky Mountains, The mountains 
»f the Pacific. The Alleghany Mountains. For what are the United 
States noted? Describe the course of the Mississippi. Name the other 
arincipal rivers. Where do they rise? Where do they flow? What 
akes are in, or border on, the United States? Describe the coast line, 
Name the principal bays, straits, &. Where are they situated? Name 
the principal capes. In what States are they? Describe the climate of 
he United States. Describe the soil. What are the principal preducts? 
What are the principal minerals, and where are they found? What is 
;aid of the Western States? For what is the Mississippi useful? How 
1ave the United States been peopled? Describe the form of government 
»f the States, The General Government. What is the position of the 
Territories of the United States? Describe the United States when 
3ritish Colonies. What institution was peculiar to the Southern States? 
What is the amount of the commerce of the United States? Name the 
Southern States and their chief towns. What is said of these States? 
What are the principal mountains? Describe the surface. Name the 
zrincipal rivers. What is said of Georgia and other States? Describe 
Virginia. How is it bounded? For what is it remarkable? How is it 
jow divided? What are the chief towns? Describe North Carolina, 
How is it bounded? What are its chief towns? Describe South 
"arolina, How is it bounded? What are its chief towns? Where are 
‘hey situated? Describe Georgia. How is it bounded? What are its 
»hief towns? Where are they situated? Describe Florida, How is it 
bounded? What is remarkable on the south coast ? What are its chief 
‚owna? Describe Alabama. How is it bounded? What are its chief 
owns? Where are they situated? Describe Mississippi. How is it 
younded? What are its chief towns? Where are they situated? 
Describe Louisiana. To whom did Louisiana formerly belong? De- 
‚cribe New Orleans, What are the other chief towns? Describe Texas. 
'Yow is it bounded? What rivers flow through it? What are its chief 
owns? Where are they situated? Describe Arkansas, What is its 
;apital? Describe Kentucky and Tennessee, How is Kentucky 
wunded? How is Tennessee bounded? What are the chief towns of 
Kentucky? Of Tennessee? Name the Western States, and their chief 
owns. How are they situated ? Describe the surface, What part of 
he colıntry do these States comprise? What minerals are found in 
hem? How have they been peopled? Describe Ohio. How is it 
»unded? What are the chief towns? Describe Michigan. How is it 
younded? What are the chief towns? Where are they situated!? 
Describe Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. How is 
‚ach bounded? What are their chief towns? Where are they situated . 
Describe Missouri, How is it bounded? What are the chief towns? 
Nhere are they situated? Describe Kansas, How is it bounded? 
Vhat are the chief towns? Where are they situated? Describe 
California. How is it bounded? Where is gold chiefly found? What 
ıre the chief towns? Describe Oregon. How is it bounded? What 
ıre the chief towns? Where are they situated? What are the chief 
owns of Nebraska, Colorado, and Nevada. How are these States 
unded? What is the position of the Territories of the United States 
jefore they become States? Name those now in existence, Where are 
hey situated? Who inhabit Utah? Describe their city, Describe the 
’erritory of Alaska, What are its geographical features? What is its 
ralue? To whom did it formerly belong? What is the chief trading 
rt? Deseribe its inhabitants- 
How are the United States separated from Ontario? From the 
North-West Territory? From Mexico? What peninsula extends into 
‚he Atlantic from the south-east? What peninsula extends into the Pacific 
rom the south-west? What islands are near Florida? What large guif 
jes to the south of the United States? What large rivers flow into it? 
What large rivers of the United States flow into the Atlantic Ocean? 
Into the Pacific Ocean? Into the Gulf of California? Which States are 
n the Atlantic coast? Which States and Territories are on the Pacific 
;oast? On the Gulf of Mexico? Which States adjoin New Brunswick ? 
Quebec? Which States border on the great northern lakes? Which 
States or Territories adjoin the North-West Territory? Manitoba? 
3ritish Columbia? Past which States do the Mississippi, Missouri, 
Jhio, Red River, Rio Grande, Columbia, Connecticut, and Susquehanna 
low? What capes are at the mouth of Delaware Bay? Of Chesapeake 
Bay? What rivers flow into Delaware Bay? Into Chesapeake Bay! 
What rivers form the Ohio River? Through which of the Middle States 
Jo the Alleghany Mountains extend? In what State is Lake Champlain? 
[n what direction from New York is Philadelphia ? Pittsburg? Albany? 
Boston? 'Foronto? Montreal? What river separates Virginia and 
Kentucky from the Western States? Which of the Southern States are 
an the Gulf of Mexico? How is Florida separated from the Bahama 
{slands? Which are the principal southern cities on the Mississippi ? 
On the Atlantic coast? On the Gulf of Mexico? What is the eastern 
point of North Carolina called? In what direction from New Orleans 
is St Louis? Galvestan. Mobile. Charleston? In what direction fram 
Richmond is Washington? Which States are on the west bank of the 
Mississippi? Which on the east bank? Which adjoin the Dominion? 
Which are the principal cities on the Ohio? On the Missouri? Which 
States adjoin Mexico? Through which does the Colorado (west) flow? 
Which are the principal cities on the Pacific coast? On Lake Michigan? 
In Lake Huron? On Lake Erie? What Canadian town is opposite 
Detroit? In what direction from Chicago is Salt Lake city? St Louis? 
St Paul's? Toronto? In what direction from St Paul’s is Pembina 1! 
Juluth? Which States touch on Lake Superior? What river flows 
hrough Washington Territory from Brjtish Columbia? Through which 
states does the Missouri flow? What rivers flow into San Francisco 
3ay? What large lake is in Utah? How is Washington Territory 
jeparated from Vancouver Island? What is its extreme north-west 
‚oint called? In what direction from San Francisco is Victoria, 
/ancouver Island? Sacramento? Salt Lake City? Chicago? Virginia 
Zity, Nevada? What peninsula is south of California? Through which 
states do the Rocky Mountains extend? Which States or Territories 
1djoin Manitoba? Where does the Red River (north) rise? Where 
Joes the Missouri rise? The Mississippi? How are the Western and 
Southern States separated from the Mastern? Which of the great 
jorthern lakes is entirely within the United States? Which States touch 
m Lake Michigan? How is Lake Michigan connected with Lake 
YJuron? How is Lake Superior con: 2cted with Lake Huron? How is 
Alaska separated from the north-west Territory? What islande extend 
yactward fram Alaska ?——(see North America.)

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