Object: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

millions of dollars annually. There are also mines of copper, lead, 
And tin; and diamonds, eıncralds, and other precious stones, are found. 
The pcarl fiehery, which once yielded half a million dollurs a year, 
I6W anıounts in value to only $180.000. 
Silleros carrying travellers. 
6. New GRENADA is the most powerful and populous of 
the Colombian States, Its coast is washed on the west side 
by the Pacific Ocean, and on the north by the Caribbean sea. 
Part of its territory extends into North America westward 
[rom the Isthmus of‘ Darien, 
7. Roads hardly exist in the mountainous distriets of New Granada 
and the other parts of Colombia, Travellers are oflen carried in a 
kind of chair, placcd on the backs of persons called silleros, hired for 
he purpose. 
8, 'The bridges across the rapid torrents of‘ the Andes are frequently 
formed of a single rope, and a hammock ur basket made 10 run from 
Me end to the other, in which the Colombiun passes securely. 
9. Bogota, the capital of New Granada, is situated a fow miles cast 
af’ the Magdalena river, on a fertile plain, 8000 feet above the sea. It 
°Ontains a number of handsome churches and convents, and a uni- 
versity, "The surrounding country yiclds Lwo crops of grain annually. 
10. Carthagena, on the coast of the Caribbean sca, is the principal 
Port of this republic: its trade with the United States and Great Bri- 
«id of New Granada? ” Of roads? 
Zt is suid of bridges; .. Deseribe 
= 7° Carthagena, "ypayan, &e,

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