Full text: Third book of lessons for the use of schools (Book 3)

cn to remain where they were, while he and his 
son went forward to worship. "They, therefore, 
went on together, Isaae carrying the wood, and 
Abraham himself taking the fire and a knife, And 
now the faith of Abraham, if any thing could 
have shaken it, must have yielded to the voice of 
nature. Isaac, little suspecting that he himself 
was to be the victim, said to Abraham, “ My 
father, behold the fire and the wood; but where 
is the Jamb for a burnt-offering ?” “ My son,” 
was Abraham’s only reply, “God will provide 
himself a Lamb for a burnt-offering.” 
Having come to the place which God had 
pointed out, Abraham built an altar, upon which 
he laid the wood in order. IIe then bound Isaac, 
and laid him on the altar, and took the knife, and 
stretched forth his hand to slay his son. But his 
faith had been sufficiently tried ; and the angel 
of tlıe Lord called unto him out of heaven, and 
said, “Abraham! Abraham! Lay not thine hand 
upon the lad, neither do thou any thing to him; 
for now I know that thou fearest God; sceing thou 
hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from 
me.” And Abraham lifted up his eyes and lookcd, 
and saw a ram caught in a thicket by the horns ; 
and Abraham went and took tlıe ram, and offered 
him up for a burnt-offering, instead of his son. 
And Abraham called £he name of that place Je- 
hovah-jireh, that is, the Lerd will provide,

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