Full text: Europe and the Mediterranean region

[N the first part of this little book an attempt has been made to give students a 
zrasp of those important physical facts in accordance with which countries have 
been divided into ‘ natural regions,’ and in the second part to show the influence of 
‘he physical features of such areas on the life of mankind. Special attention has, 
‘herefore, been paid to the relief of the land and to climate, and several maps have 
een introduced to illustrate these phenomena. 
The orographical maps have been constructed after the series of Hand-Maps 
published by the Diagram Company, and I must express my gratitude to that 
Company for their kind permission for their reproduction. Important railways 
have been indieated on these maps in order to show the extent to which they have 
been controlled by the relief of the land. 
In the consideration of climate, stress has been laid on the importance of 
studying the maximum and minimum temperatures of places, as well as the 
average temperature, and the seasonal distribution of rain, as well as the amount of 
the annual fall, in order to really understand the effect of climate on vegetation. 
To facilitate this study, some climatic statisties have been inserted (see pp. 21 and 28) 
for purposes of reference and comparison, as well as various maps. 
The economic aspect of the subject has been kept well in mind, and it is 
hoped that the maps illustrating the distribution of productions will prove a useful 
feature in the book; and that the diagrams on pp. 118, 115, and 117, and the 
statistical tables at the end of the book, which have been inserted for purposes of 
reference and not for memorizing, will help students to acquire some sense of pro- 
portion in dealing with commercia} facts, The statistios have been compiled from 
the ‘ Statesman’s Year-Book,’ which students will do well to consult for further 
The book will be found to contain sufficient information, with regard to the area 
lescribed, for candidates for geographical examinations of the standard of London 
Matriculation, but might also well be, used by pupils in the middle form of schools 
ınder the careful guidance of their teachers. 
In conclusion, I have to thank Mr. G. G. Chisholm, M.A., B.Se. (Edin.), 
University Extension Lecturer, for kindly revising the book in manuseript, and 
naking several valuable suggestions. 
First Edition published June, 1905, 
Sccond Edition November, 1907 ; Third Edition July, 1909, 
Fourih Edition November. 1910.

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