the most important export of England; Flanders bought 
the wool, made fine cloth, and sold it to England. This 
Interruption to trade stopped the work of the‘ Flemish 
Weavers, and seriously interfered with the business of both 
countries, The French king was also attempting to gain 
control of Flanders, and if he succeeded, English trade 
With that country would be erippled. 
Philip, king of France, now seized Aquitaine and refused to 
surrender it to Edward. The English king, on his part, put 
forth a claim to the throne of France on the ground that 
he was the rightful heir, as his mother, Isabella, was a Sister 
of the late king, while Philip was only a cousin. The French 
asserted that, under their law, no woman could either rule 
mn France, or transmit the crown to her son; this, however, 
Edward refused to admit. The war to secure the throne of 
France for an English king began in 1338 and lasted, with 
Some intervals, for over one hundred years. 
The first battle of the war was for the mastery of the 
Channel, in order that the wool trade with Flanders might 
be carried on with safety. "The English gathered a strong 
flect, and in 1340 attacked the French off Sluys, on the 
Netherland coast. In the battle that followed, the French 
Were defeated with great loss. No man dared tell the 
news to Philip until his court jester said, “Those Kng- 
lish are terrible cowards.” “Why?” said Philip. ‘“Be- 
Cause they were afraid to lcap into the sca as OUT brave 
French did,” said the clown. 
Six ycars later, Edward landed in Normandy, ravaged 
the country, and then began a march across France to 
Join his allies in Flanders. Philip pursued, and the Kng- 
lish army awaited attack at Cr6cy, where in 1346 was 
fought one of the most famous battles of English history. 
The French king was depending mainly on his mounted 
Knights, clad in armour, who fought with sword and 
lance. He had also fifteen thousand Genocse archers, who 
fought with the ecrossbow, an awkward weapon, which 
had to be wound up with wheel and ratchet to set the 
String every time it was discharged. The English archers, 
Who formed the main bodv u“ Edward’s army used the

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