Full text: A history of the United States for schools

in Kentucky. Give an account of the settlement of Harrodsburg. What 
was the early history of Kentucky County? Under what circumstances 
and when was Kentucky admitted into the Union? 
3. Give an account of the Watauga settlement. What was the history 
of the State of Franklin? Under what circumstances and when did 
Tennessee become a State? 
4. Give an account of the settlement of western Pennsylvania, What 
was the Ordinance of 1787? What were its provisions? 
5, Recite the chie£ events in the early history of Ohio. 
1. Dates: 1609, 1643, 1689 (2), 1781, 1787, 1780. 
2, Places: St. Augustine, Jamestown, Saratoga, Philadelphia (2), 
3. Persons: Raleigh, Smith, Stuyvesant, Bacon, Andros, Cornwallis, 
Lafayette, Hamilton, Washington, John Adams. 
4. Tell what you can about: the Invincible Armada; the Jamestown 
tolony; the founding of Georgia; the Frontier Line in 1700; in 1740; the 
Stamp Act; the treaty of 1783; the Articles of Confederation; the 
Convention of 1787; the beginnings of political parties; Jay’s treaty. 
5. Topics: To Kentucky by the Cumberland Gap: 23, 142-154. Daniel 
Boone: 6, 103-116; also 2, 273-282; also ı2, 3-12. Beyond the moun- 
tains: 16, 182-193. The American Westward Movement: 19, 45-53. An 
old Kentucky home: 20, 133-144. John Filson: 14, 331. Nashville: 
33, 477-502. Louisville: 33, 503-536. Rufus Putnam: 6, 138-149. The 
Magna Charter of the Northwest: 20, 145-152. Settlers on the Ohio: 
20, 153-167. Wayne’s campaign: 20, 180-187,

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