Full text: Comly's spelling and reading book

And when we lie down at night to take our 
rest, let us look over the past day; and if we 
find any thing said or done amiss, let us be 
sorry for it, and ask our Father in heaven to 
forgive us, 
But if we have not said or done any thing 
wrong through the day, let us be thankful to 
him who has kept us from evil by his grace; 
and then we may go to sleep in peace, and put 
our trust in his goodness and love. 
Ad vance im plant attend effect 
at tack mis hap amend event 
ca nal re cant be set ex cel 
com pact re lax. com mend ex pend 
de cant re plant compel for get 
de tract retract con itend in dent 
dis band re lapse correct mo lest 
en act sub tract de fend of fence 
en hance trans act de fence pro test 
ex pand un apt de press re gret 
en trap- whereas dis pel un bend 
Learn to live so that you need not fear to die. 
Do no hurt when you can do no good. 
Use well your time, now in your prime. 
Always do your best, and leave the rest. 
Live in love, and in peace with all men. 
If the inductive plan has been diligently applied to the preceding 
pages, it is presumed the pupils have become Acquainted with the ob- 
jectof learning their lessons, soastoanswer the questions with facility. 
But their attainment need not relax the diligence of the teacher; it 
may stimulate to vary the interrogations, and inerense the number of 
words to be defined, as also the understanding of the reading lesenne.

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