Full text: The Guyot geographical reader and primer

5 _——- 
How Pretty it is! And there, in the lowest part, is a 
lovely stream of water. "These belts of lower land, 
between the higher grounds, are called valleys. If we 
were going along the valley, we could follow it for a 
long distance, by the side of its beautiful stream. 
Sometimes the hills on each side would be nearer, 
Sometimes farther apart; and everywhere we should 
sce farms and villages, just as we saw them in the 
The City of Trenton 
Plain farther east, for the valley is just like the plain, 
EXcept that it is narrower. 
3. We cross ridge after ridge, and valley after valley. 
Finally we descend a long, gentle slope; and there, 
Spread out under our eyes, is a valley, wider and. more 
lovely, and a stream greater, than any of those we luve 
passed, "Chis stream is named the Delaware Diver; for 
large Streams are called rivers, and not brooks. 
4. Here is a fine Village on the river bank; and at 
this place we will 4... Ulrcal, und follow the 

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