Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

1, Prıncn Enwann’s IsLann.—Prince Edward’s is a fine 
ertile island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1ying nearly parallel 
O the coasts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. 
2, The soil is good and well adapted to agrieulture, which is in a 
De improved state than in any of the ncighbouring colunies, Char- 
otte Town is the capital, with 3,500 inhabitants. There are several] 
öther small towns. 
3, NEwFOUNDLAND is a large island, situated at the mouth 
of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and forming the most eastern part 
of British America, The soil is mostly barren, and the timber 
scanty and of small size. 
4. It owes its importance to its Cod fisheries, which are the 
most valuable in the world. "The fish are caught in vast 
aumbers upon certain shallow places in the sea in the vicinity 
af the island, called the Banks of Newfoundland. 
5. A great number of vessels and men (chicfly American and French) 
1ere find employment, while the inhabitants of the island carry on their 
Äsherics along the shore. 
‚6, The fishing business is dangerous, but profitable, it is an ad: 
Mirable nursery for the hardy seamen of the New England states, and 
‚‘Urnishes us with an important article of export to other countries, 
The Seal fishing has of late years attracted much attention. 
. 2 St. John’s is the principal place in the island ; the houses are all 
Milt of wood, and the town has in conscquence suffered severely from 
üres. Harbour Grace is, next to St. John’s, the ınost important town, 
Map No. 7,—What separates Prince Edward’s Island from New 
Brunswiek? Nd.-St.—What bounds Newfoundland on the east? A. 
In. — On the west? G, Sı-Le.—What Struit separates it from Labra- 
lor ? Be.— What banks arc near the Island? How long and wide 
a the Grand Bank? Newfoundland? What is the population of St. 
Ohn’8? Of Harbour Grace? Of Placentia ? 
) Prince Edward’s Island. Q.—1, What is Prince Edward’s Island ? 
- What is said of ‘he soil and agriculture? "The capital, &e. 7 
4 Newfoundland, F- What is Newfoundland? 4, To what does 
vo ia importan- _ What are they called? Who find employ- 
Te Ont there? 6. W” 3 said of the fishing business, &0.1 What 
008 it furnish rc =” Describe St. John’s, Harbour Grace

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