fullscreen: Outlines of British history

‚efusal occurred when Queen Anne in 1707 declined to sanction & 
Scottish Militia Bill. 
14. The maxim that “the King can do no wrong” implies that he 
acts by the advice of Ministers, who are responsible to 
Mel Parliament. "The Privy Council, the members of which 
* are dignified with the title of Right Honorable, have 
seen from very early times the advisers of the Sovereign, But this 
wsembly being too numerous and scattered for the regular transaction 
ȣ puhlie aTairs, the Government is econducted by a committee of the 
Privy Counsil, known as the Cabinet. 
15. When the Ministry is overthrown by a defeat on any important 
Bill which they have brought in, or by a vote of want of 
76 Cabinok confidenece, the Soversign sends for the prineipal states- 
man of the opposite party, and intrusts him with the task of forming 
a new (Jovernment. For the various posts, mentioned below, he 
selects his leading political supporters. 
"Che Cabinet consists necessarily of :— 
1. The First Lord of the Treasury ; otherwise called 
the Prime Minister, 
2, The Lord Chancellor, 
3, The Chancellor of the 
4. Tho Home Secretary. 
5. The Foreign Secretary. 
6. 'Phe Colonial Secretary. 
7. The Indian Secretary. 
3. The Secretary at War, 
3. The President of the Privy Council. 
The following Ministers have also at differunt times hean inclnded in 
the Cabinet; but that body dues not usunllv consist of more than 
fourteen or fifteen members : -— 
10. The First Lord of the Admiralty, 
L. 'Che President of the Board of Trade. 
12. "Che Postmaster-Genural, 
13. The President of the Local Government Board. 
14. "The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lanonuster. » 
15. The Lord Privy Seal. 
16, 'Phe Chief Secretary for Ireland. 
17. The Viee-President of the Committee of Council 
on Kducation, 
6. When the House of Commons resolves itself into a Committee 
of Ways and Meiuns, the Chancellor of the KExchequer 
The Budget. presents his Budget, containing the financial arrange- 
ments he proposes for the coming year (ending April 12th), and the 
artimates of the Revenue he expects to derive from the various sonPges 
of the national incomu,

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