Full text: Outlines of British history

province has a Lieutenant-Governor and a Legislature of its own—the 
latter generally consisting of two Hauses, 
22, The governments of the Australasian Colonies are very similar 
to those of the provinces of Canuda, with the exception 
Ausnralnsian that the legislative council, or Upper House, is generally 
5010/68, appeinted by the Crown, Tn New Zealand, New South 
Wales, and Queensland, there is in each a Governor and a Cabinet, or 
axecutive couneil, of four or five men bers, appointed hy the Crown ; @ 
legislative council of from fifteen to thirty members, also appointed by 
the Crown ; and a legislative assembly, or Lower House, eleeted by the 
people. In South Australia, the legislative council is elected by the 
whole colony voting as one province ; in Tasmania and Victoria, it is 
zlected hy the upper and moneyed classes, but in other respects the 
Arrangements are the same as in the neighboring colunies. 
23. India is an example of dependency still directly under imperial 
control. Since 1858 the affairs of India have been regu- 
India, Inted by the Secretary of State for India and the Indian 
Couneil, sitting in London, of which the Secretary is president. The 
Council consists of fifteen members—8even appointed by the Court of 
Directors of the East India, Company, and eight by the Crown. The 
axecutive authority in India is vested in the Viceroy, appeinted by the 
Srown, and responsible to the Secretary of State for India.‘ He is 
assisted in his administrative duties by a Supreme Comneil sitting at 
Calcutta, consistin? of five ordinary ınembers nominated by himself 
and the Commander-in-chief, with six additional members appointed 
for the purpose of framinz laws and regulations. There are also seven 
chief Secretaries of State in India, to superintend the different depart- 
ments of the government. For adıninistrative purposes, India is 
divided into eight provinces under (4overnors or Commissioners, four 
amaller provinces directly under the (Government of India, and 154 
leudatory states adninistered by Hindu and Mohanmedan chiefs, 
with the aid of English political agents, Maudras and Bombay (with 
Seinde) have each a Governor; Bengal, the North-West Provinces 
‚with Oude), and the Punjab, each 2 Lieutenant-Governor; the 
Central Provinces, Assam, and British Burma, each @ Chief Com- 
24. Ceylon, which in government is independent of India, is an 
Ceylon. example ofa government, in which the local and the im- 
perial elements are combined. But the influence of the 
latter greatly preponderates, The Governor and the executive council 
of five members are appointed by the Crown. The legislative council 
contains fifteen members—five of them are the executive council, other 
four are also officials, and six only are unofheial.

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