Full text: A system of modern geography, comprising a description of the present state of the world, and its five great divisions, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Oceanica, with their several empires, kingdoms, states, territories, etc.

What Mountains are in the west part of Brazil? Gl 
What Mountains are between Brazil and Guiana? Ay 
Which is the largest River in South America? An. 
Which is its largest branch? Ma, 
Which is the second River in length? R.-Pa. 
Which is the third? Oo. ; 
Which is the fourth? S, Fo. 
into what Occan do these flow? Ac. 
What River flows into the Caribbean Sea? Ma. 
Which is the most northern Cape of South America? Ga 
Which is the most southern Cape? Hn. 
Which is the most castern? $,-Re. 
Which is the most western? Bo. 
What two Gulfs are on the Caribbean Sea? Dn., Va. 
What two are on the west coast ? Gl, Ps, 
What are the principal Bays on the west coast ? Pa., Co. 
Whüt arc the principal Bays on the cast coast ? A.-Ss.. S..Ma.. S..GCe 
What Islands are in the Caribbean Sea? B.-Ac., Ma. 
These arc a part of the Little Antilles, which form the southern divi- 
sion of the West Indices, Margarita belongs to Venezuela, and is the 
only West Indian Island that is owned by a South American power, 
What five Islands north of South America ? Td., To., Ga., Be, S..Vt 
These form & part of the Caribbec Islands, 
What Island lies between the Amazon and Para rivers? Js. 
What Islands on the coast of Brazil south of the Equator? Ia,, As. 
3.-Sn., Ca, S.-Ca,, Ti. 
What Islands cast of Patagonia? Fd. 
What Island south of Patagonia? T,-Fo, 
What Island east of Terra del Fuego? S.-Ld, 
What Island east of Staten Land? S.-Gau, 
What Islands south of Terra del Fucgo? Cn. 
What Island south of Chili? Ce. 
What three Archipclagoes south of Chiloe? Cs,, M.-Ds., Q.-As. 
What Island south of the Gulf - nn Wn 
What Islands west of Chili ©, l Lu 
What Island in the Gulf of Gr-= - 1° Po

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