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Author: Essich, Johann GeorgFridrich, Jacob Andreas
Publication year: 1767
Place of publication: Stutgart
Shelfmark: Hist.univ.A.813,misc.1
Author: Buchwald, Alfred
Publication year: 1918
Place of publication: Breslau
Shelfmark: 1918 B 4403
Author: Buse, Gerhard Heinrich
Publication year: 1797
Place of publication: Göttingen
Shelfmark: 8 LING VII, 9401
Author: Colshorn, TheodorGoedeke, Karl
Publication year: 1871
Place of publication: Hanover
Shelfmark: DD-II 1(2,1871)-3
Author: Griep, Max
Publication year: 1908
Place of publication: Leipzig [u.a.]
Shelfmark: SF-II 6(2,08)
Author: Löhr, Johann Andreas Christian
Publication year: 1814
Place of publication: Leipzig
Shelfmark: GD-I 26(1,1814)-10
Author: Raithel, Richard
Publication year: 1914
Place of publication: Wien
Shelfmark: A H-98(3,14)
Other person: Günzel, WilhelmMurtfeld, WilhelmSeebaum, Heinrich
Publication year: 1914
Place of publication: Frankfurt am Main
Shelfmark: DG-II 11(1,14)-1
Author: Roon, Albrecht von
Other person: Ritter, Carl
Publication year: 1838
Place of publication: Berlin
Shelfmark: GEG-I 15(2,1838)-2
Publication year: 1901
Place of publication: Lahr
Shelfmark: RF-II 10(1,01)

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